Essembly Wiki

A Cumedy is the fifth work from Essembly Studios.

A Cumedy

Plot Synopsis:[]


After Orangi violates British Mockery and Butler by blinking extremely fast, which turns them into jittering wobbling skeletons moving in a large radiation blast. We cut to Guy Thing trying to navigate the place and seeing if everyone had left for the demoncore meeting in the morning. Guy Thing looks out and sees that millions of people, and the iconic group. British, Butler, Orangi, Jonaj, Principal and Hero Guy are surrounding the demon core. With British, Butler, Orangi, Hero and Jonaj in a short line. Without hesitation the humble Guy thing attempts to run and keep up with the team and says if he had arrived at the meeting in short. Principal states yes and tells them to line up. As they do Guy things attempts to communicate with his comrades, with Jonaj being one particular someone to talk to. When discussing about why Jonaj wasn't at class yesterday The Principal looks at Jonaj with a stern emotionless expression, and states not to say anything to anyone via telepathy. As the team and the principal mess with the demon core a bee comes towards the team and startles Orangi, as soon as the demon core opens via Orangi's strange eyelash magic the principal shouts "detention" before the demoncore closes and releases radiation. In seconds everyone has radiation, but they attempt to run out of the school even the main characters attempt to rush out of there as well. As guy thing was getting cluttered Hero guy manages to save him out of the school by grasping him by his cape and flying towards the door by some unknown force. Guy thing pants before looking at his heroic doppelgänger. Hero guy says is he comfortable and with sweat trickling from his face, Guy thing says no. The main characters and millions of people around them watch as they talk to each other thinking that they're dating, the principal attempts to unravel the cape and sees that Guy Thing and Hero Guy are pushing each other, the two look up at the muscular principal. The principal looks at a student who tries to enter school but says no. But the student is still burnt and eradiated by the radiation. As this happens Hero Guy gives a speech about... Something. Then principal says that they are going to a Frutiger Aero environment spanning 80 miles and that the school is getting cleaned. After hero guy blocks Guy thing from getting up and gives off their annoying speech Jonaj shuts them up by punching them in the face.


Guy Thing:[]

Hero Guy:[]




Ler Butler:[]

British Mockery:[]



External Links:[]

