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Altair vs. Widck was the fan made battle created by WizardofWonka which depicts Altair (from Re;Creators) and Widck in a verses battle.[1] The battle was created around April 7th of 2024 and was completed around May and June. Around that time it was deleted heavily, mainly because Widck at the time wasn't an official distributed character and instead was a premade one.


In a silent city, Widck confronts the very solemn and sorrowful Altair, who is looking down upon the vacant city. Widck attempts to communicate with Altair on an emotional level, however she attacks with vengeance and because of his nature as a fictional cartoon, he is the reason for Setsuna's death. With no other choice and due to Altair's villainous and hostile nature, Widck engages in the fierce, emotionally charged battle fueled by grief and vengeance. Altair fights to avenge her creator, Setsuna Shimazaki, while Widck seeks to challenge her overwhelming despair. The clash escalates quickly, with Altair summoning cosmic powers and Widck countering with his own reality-bending abilities.

Their duel becomes increasingly destructive, shifting from the city to space and even affecting the multiverse. Altair uses her Holopsicon movements to manipulate existence, redirect attacks, and erase Widck’s assaults. Meanwhile, Widck uses his Insovia abilities to alter reality, including transforming the universe into a giant sword and rewriting the plot itself. Despite Altair’s attempts to negate Widck's powers, Widck's resilience and reality-warping strength prevail. He turns Altair’s arsenal to nothing, repeatedly catching her off guard with attacks like hurling universes and sealing her abilities.

However, Altair continuously rebirths herself using her fate-altering powers, ensuring the fight stretches into an endless cycle of creation and destruction. The battle ends with Widck landing a decisive blow, reversing Altair’s attempts to manipulate fate and sealing her existence. With Altair erased and silence returning, Widck stands victorious, reflecting on the cost of the battle as he whispers, "Gone… Gone for now."


  1. While the battle was fine in execution, it wasn't accurately representative of both character's abilities and personality, besides Altair's longing for Setsuna and Widck's overzealous protectant nature of the Omniverse. Altair's abilities are vast and can even alter the plot itself.


  1. DEATH BATTLE wiki: Blog