The Life of Ace (or TLoA) is the latest work from Essembly Studios and consists of 9 volumes documenting Ace Dismukes and his relationships with close relatives, friends, and peers, covering their experiences and history from 2010 to the present. The comic is largely kept secret and is exclusively available on this wiki.
Plot Synopsis:[]
The premise basically documents Ace's life experience from Pre-Kindergarten to college. As well as their production of their studio.
Volume 1:[]
Volume 2:[]
Volume 3:[]
Opening to a note, vaguely stating the date of the start of School, we slowly slide to Ace sleeping before a light shine upon their face, it's their mom, Tiffany Dismukes, which entered their room to ready them for school. Ace asks Tiffany a short question if school is to start on the tenth or the eighth, their mom kindly states that school will start today. Ace nods begrudgingly, they get up and readies up clothes for the first grade. 5th Grade. Ace line the clothes in order, putting shoes last. They take a shower, brush their teeth, comb their hair and before long play video games on their tablet. In Akira's room she follows the same order though in a slower manor. Syann and Iolana and Alex are all downstairs. Ace goes downstairs
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Ace is undeniably fearful for
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Tells Kapi and his friends that he might change schools.
For his friends.
Volume 3.1:[]
A day after, Ace is full force ready for school, their clothes are layed out
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